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HVAC Repair and Installation in Portland, OR

First Call Heating and Cooling

Since 1939, First Call Heating and Cooling has served Portland, OR, and the surrounding areas with HVAC expertise. Our team of professionals is licensed, bonded, insured, BBB-accredited, and passionate about serving customers. Our full-service company provides help with residential heating and cooling systems.  For assistance with HVAC installation and repair, contact First Call Heating and Cooling today.

Frequently Asked Heating Questions

 Detecting and resolving issues with your heating system can be difficult. Here are the most frequently asked questions and answers about heating HVAC systems:

If your AC system isn’t cooling your home adequately, check the thermostat settings to ensure it’s set to a temperature lower than the current room temperature. Ensure the thermostat is in the cooling mode, not on a fan-only setting. Next, inspect the air filter; if it’s dirty or clogged, replace it to improve airflow. Ensure that the circuit breaker for your AC unit is not tripped. If these steps don’t resolve the issue, contacting an HVAC professional is best.

Category: AC

Annual AC maintenance improves energy efficiency, prevents major breakdowns, and prolongs the lifespan of the AC system.

Category: AC

The cost of AC repairs can vary widely depending on the specific problem, the age and type of your AC system, and location. Minor issues like replacing a capacitor or cleaning coils may cost a few hundred dollars, while major repairs such as compressor replacement could cost several thousand dollars.

Category: AC

Refrigerant leaks, dirty or clogged air filters, faulty thermostats, electrical issues, frozen evaporator coils, blocked condenser coils, and drainage issues.

Category: AC

You can identify several signs that indicate your AC system is not working correctly. One of the most common signs is inadequate cooling; if your home isn’t reaching the desired temperature, it could be due to a problem with your AC. Additionally, unusual noises like banging, hissing, or grinding sounds from the AC unit can signal trouble. High humidity levels inside your home, despite the AC running, may also be an indicator.

Category: AC

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Frequently Asked AC Questions

 Here are the most frequently asked questions and answers about AC systems:

If your AC system isn’t cooling your home adequately, check the thermostat settings to ensure it’s set to a temperature lower than the current room temperature. Ensure the thermostat is in the cooling mode, not on a fan-only setting. Next, inspect the air filter; if it’s dirty or clogged, replace it to improve airflow. Ensure that the circuit breaker for your AC unit is not tripped. If these steps don’t resolve the issue, contacting an HVAC professional is best.

Category: AC

Annual AC maintenance improves energy efficiency, prevents major breakdowns, and prolongs the lifespan of the AC system.

Category: AC

The cost of AC repairs can vary widely depending on the specific problem, the age and type of your AC system, and location. Minor issues like replacing a capacitor or cleaning coils may cost a few hundred dollars, while major repairs such as compressor replacement could cost several thousand dollars.

Category: AC

Refrigerant leaks, dirty or clogged air filters, faulty thermostats, electrical issues, frozen evaporator coils, blocked condenser coils, and drainage issues.

Category: AC

You can identify several signs that indicate your AC system is not working correctly. One of the most common signs is inadequate cooling; if your home isn’t reaching the desired temperature, it could be due to a problem with your AC. Additionally, unusual noises like banging, hissing, or grinding sounds from the AC unit can signal trouble. High humidity levels inside your home, despite the AC running, may also be an indicator.

Category: AC

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24/7 Emergency HVAC Services in PORTLAND, OR