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HVAC Repair and Installation in Portland, OR

First Call Heating and Cooling

Since 1939, First Call Heating and Cooling has served Portland, OR, and the surrounding areas with HVAC expertise. Our team of professionals is licensed, bonded, insured, BBB-accredited, and passionate about serving customers. Our full-service company provides help with residential heating and cooling systems.  For assistance with HVAC installation and repair, contact First Call Heating and Cooling today.

Frequently Asked Heating Questions

 Detecting and resolving issues with your heating system can be difficult. Here are the most frequently asked questions and answers about heating HVAC systems:

Check the thermostat and air filter. Then, verify that the furnace’s circuit breaker is not tripped. You can then inspect the pilot or ignition system. If none of these options fix the problem, contact an HVAC professional.

Category: Heating

Improved efficiency, extended lifespan, enhanced safety, ensured comfort throughout the heating season, and warranty compliance.

Category: Heating

The cost of heating system repairs can vary widely based on the nature of the problem and the system type. Minor issues like thermostat or air filter replacement may cost a few hundred dollars. However, major repairs such as replacing a heat exchanger or blower motor can cost several thousand dollars. Typically, residential repairs are cheaper than commercial HVAC repair installation.

Category: Heating

Thermostat issues, clogged or dirty filters, ignition or pilot problems, faulty blower motor, broken heat exchanger, leaking or blocked ducts, and fuel supply issues.

Category: Heating

If your home isn’t reaching the desired temperature or it takes a long time to warm up, your heating system may have a problem. Cold spots or significantly colder rooms can indicate an issue with your heating system’s distribution. Strange sounds like banging, clanking, or whistling from your heating system can signal trouble. A sudden spike in your heating bills without a corresponding increase in usage can indicate inefficiency or malfunction. Lastly, if your heating system turns on and off rapidly, it may struggle to maintain the set temperature.

Category: Heating

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Frequently Asked AC Questions

 Here are the most frequently asked questions and answers about AC systems:

Check the thermostat and air filter. Then, verify that the furnace’s circuit breaker is not tripped. You can then inspect the pilot or ignition system. If none of these options fix the problem, contact an HVAC professional.

Category: Heating

Improved efficiency, extended lifespan, enhanced safety, ensured comfort throughout the heating season, and warranty compliance.

Category: Heating

The cost of heating system repairs can vary widely based on the nature of the problem and the system type. Minor issues like thermostat or air filter replacement may cost a few hundred dollars. However, major repairs such as replacing a heat exchanger or blower motor can cost several thousand dollars. Typically, residential repairs are cheaper than commercial HVAC repair installation.

Category: Heating

Thermostat issues, clogged or dirty filters, ignition or pilot problems, faulty blower motor, broken heat exchanger, leaking or blocked ducts, and fuel supply issues.

Category: Heating

If your home isn’t reaching the desired temperature or it takes a long time to warm up, your heating system may have a problem. Cold spots or significantly colder rooms can indicate an issue with your heating system’s distribution. Strange sounds like banging, clanking, or whistling from your heating system can signal trouble. A sudden spike in your heating bills without a corresponding increase in usage can indicate inefficiency or malfunction. Lastly, if your heating system turns on and off rapidly, it may struggle to maintain the set temperature.

Category: Heating

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24/7 Emergency HVAC Services in PORTLAND, OR